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IMC would like to announce Stewart Muir is joining the IMC team as a Senior Associate

IMC Team Members
February 26, 2021

Stewart Muir was born in Lethbridge, Alberta and raised in Vancouver, British Columbia. Pursuing a journalism career led to posts in Hong Kong, Australia, and across Canada. An award-winning author, he has served as a volunteer director in land conservancy and worked as a change leader, management consultant and civil servant before founding Vancouver-based Resource Works, a not for profit that helps to inform citizens about the benefits of responsibly managed and innovative natural resources. He is an authoritative media commentator on major projects and business investment, and is working actively to advance disruptive mining technologies. During the COVID-19 pandemic, he convened the Task Force for Real Jobs, Real Prosperity to advocate nationally to embrace innovation and recognize the unassailable benefits for all Canadians of natural resources.